Tongji University Design Studio
Landscape Urbanism
Shanghai, China

Tongji University 同济大学
College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Studio Masters:
Raymond Lau RIBA RICS
Assoc. Prof. & Dr. Li Qing
Assoc. Prof. & Dr. Xiao Yang
The design studio challenges the students to reinvent the operative responses to the broad yet vague concepts of landscape urbanism. Within the zone of Xuhui District of Shanghai, students will need to discover and record the existing conditions, demarcate the boundaries of the project sites, observe and analyze the urban phenomenon, and eventually outline and illustrate the scopes of approaches in tackling the well-defined urban problems. Students will need to exercise holistic approaches that integrate the theories and practices in landscape architecture, urban design, and architecture. Parametric design methodologies will be utilized as tools to elaborate the performances and emphasize the systematic thinking and design strategies.